Making the Best of Workplace Change
Making the Best of Workplace Change
Victim, Survivor, or Navigator?
Choosing a Response to Workplace Change
By Richard McKnight, Ph.D.
Published by TrueNorth Press
ISBN: 978-15659-21-979
1 Stress in the Workplace
2 Perception and Reality
3 The Victim Response
4 The Survivor Response
5 The Navigator Response
6 Strategies for Navigating Organizational Change
7 Worksheets and Exercises
An insightful look at the behaviors that cause individuals to succeed or fail in the face of organizational change. Written from an insider's viewpoint, McKnight clearly understands both the personal and organizational dynamics of change.
—Tom Hoffman, former CFO, Sunoco
I highly recommend this book. As the head of HR for my company, I am constantly faced with helping others through organizational change. Richard McKnight’s non-technical model of Victim, Survivor and Navigator does a fabulous job reminding us that our approach to change is a choice. He offers practical examples and tools to help identify where we are, where need to be and how to get there.
–Katy Theroux, SVP, HR, GS1US
After coaching thousands of employees through career transition and organizational change, I’m recommending this book to both clients and friends. Richard McKnight’s unique insight into how to navigate organizational change will help everyone who wants to succeed in these challenging times.
—Connie Bowes, Lee Hecht Harrison
Most people facing involuntary career transition take on what Richard McKnight calls the Victim or Survivor modes. With this book, we at last have a way of labeling those ineffective responses and, more importantly, have a constructive alternative: the way of the Navigator. This book is an easy read and I will recommend it to my career transition clients.
—Anne Dunn, DBM, global outplacement and coaching, firm
This book is essential reading for all of us going through organizational and societal change. It emphasizes how we can use change as an opportunity to improve our lives. It is insightful, well-written and above-all practical in showing how to break out of a "victim" mentality and take charge of our own future. I particularly recommend Chapter 5 which outlines strategies for navigating organizational change.
—Teresa Gavigan, Vice President,
Labor/Employee Relations and Business Support , Sunoco, Inc
Richard McKnight brings a deep understanding of how individuals respond to change and connects it to the context of organizational life. In this concise and well-written book, he lays out a framework that will be useful to anyone who is struggling with the stress of organizational uncertainty. McKnight builds on well-established theory to create an actionable guide that will leave the reader stronger and better able to not just survive, but truly navigate to the future they envision.
—Amy Kates, co-author with Jay Galbraith, Designing Dynamic Organizations
Dr. McKnight’s important book on individual and organizational change leads readers toward choosing their own path through life. This highly practical text provides much needed guidance through uncertain times in the workplace and economy. I highly recommend this work to anyone affected by the current economic turmoil and to those who wish to engage in their lives with a sense of purpose and possibility.
—Stephen Allan, PhD, CEO, Options Counseling Services
Michael J. Fox, actor and Parkinson's advocate, bids his children good bye each morning with these words as the school bus arrives: “Choose to be happy.” Similarly, Richard McKnight helps us choose to understand ourselves and to lead a more productive and purposeful life. This book should be read by every college student and by every working adult.
—Barbara Guido, Human Resources Consultant
This book will show you how to commit to emotional and physical health and control your negative impulses while change unfolds. Richard McKnight has written a powerful prescription for self-management which will help all who are involved in workplace change. Challenge yourself to be a Navigator!
—James P. (Pat) Carlisle
President, The de Bono Group, LLC
Get the first chapter
This valuable book reminds us that one’s approach to change is a choice. It contains practical tools to help identify where we are, where we need to be, and how to get there. I highly recommend it.
—Katy Theroux, SVP, Human Resources, GS1 US
This is a concise, practical book written for anyone whose workplace is in the throes of change. Written in simple language, it spells out a philosophy that is applicable in all aspects of one’s life. The essence is this: at work—or anywhere else—you can be a Victim, a Survivor, or what the author calls a Navigator. Dealing with workplace change as a Victim means some form of fight or flight. Being a Survivor is better, but tends to lead to burnout. It’s the stance and behaviors of the Navigator that enable one to make the best of change. The book is filled with many examples, worksheets, exercises, and an accompanying web site provides short essays, podcasts, and other resources.
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