McKnight • Kaney

Columns by Richard McKnight

Growing a company while living your values.pdf


Philadelphia’s Day & Zimmermann, still growing after 100 years, is a model for driving business on the basis of values.


How to keep people awake during town meetings.pdf


Again, I don’t choose the titles. But the piece is still a good one. Running effective town hall meetings are easier than you might think. Here’s how.


Organization Development in 3 Words.pdf


I added my own: "Cultivate workplace spirit." And I’m a business strategy guy! Don’t laugh: The self-respecting phrases had already been taken!


Executable strategy.pdf


Most strategies are not executable; how to make sure yours is


People accept change better when they have a say in it.pdf


What Toni Pergolin, CEO of Bancroft, learned when she took a fully participatory approach to vision building


Can working for a good company make you a better person?.pdf


What I learned when I interviewed Richard Green, CEO of FirstTrust.


There is no I in team.pdf


Four types of dysfunctional top “teams” and how to create a fifth one that works.


Formula for earning trust.pdf


Earning trust is crucial to business success. Here is the best definition of it I’ve ever seen.


Letter from the boss.pdf


Engage your employees—your most expensive assets—as partners


Steve Jobs's poisonous personality was no asset to Apple.pdf


Yikes. Columnists don’t get to write the headlines and I never would have chosen this wording! Jobs was notoriously difficult but workarounds enabled him to be a world-class asset.


Innovation can be a very problematic business solution.pdf


Offers a perspective on why today’s eyes-closed, gee-whiz approaches to innovation are apt to cost you money, make you lose time, and NOT leave your company more innovative.


Shake off negative thinking and get into Navigator mode.pdf


Tells how to know if you’re functioning in “Navigator mode” and what to do if you aren’t.


Are you behaving like a Victim, Survivor or Navigator?.pdf


Defines three approaches to workplace change: Victim, Survivor, and Navigator.


The silent killers of success—Misaligned teams.pdf


Defines teamwork at the top along with several types of misaligned—but commonly seen—top “teams.”


8 signs your business has outgrown its bosses.pdf


My editor at the Journal writes the titles for my columns, I don’t. I would have titled this, “The Growing Business Headache Identifier.” Tells how to set priorities if you are leading a growing business—and possibly avoid taking aspirin.


The secret to 'moving the ball' is to roll it downhill: Getting your managers to think strategically.pdf


What employee engagement really is and how to make it happen.


© 2015, McKnight-Kaney We wrote the book on strategy execution®